
Happy Sunday! My name’s Alex and I’m a professional masseur looking to exchange my services for a massage in return. We all need a massage every now and then, even us professionals! I’m looking to cut down on my costs of getting my weekly massage, so I’m offering my services in exchange for a massage in return by either another professional or an amateur masseuse or mere enthusiast who wants to gain experience ( and even coaching) In giving massage. Send me a message if you, too, are looking to save some money but still want the benefits of massage therapy in your life. I have a mobile massage table along with sheets, towels and oils which means I can come to your place. This is not a “special” service. Professional massage only. Thanks, and talk to you soon. Alex. Here’s a testimonial from one of my regular clients: “Alex is an amazing masseur. Not only is he very polite and respectable but he delivers a very soothing and relaxing massage. The massage was so relaxing that I inevitably fell asleep during it. Aside from that, Alex takes the time to tailor every massage to your specific needs and is open to any feedback at the end. He offers great affordable prices and is also mobile which is also a plus! I definitely recommend booking with Alex for your next massage as I will be booking him again very soon for my next appointment!” -Tiana
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